Papa & Dallas Michael at the bar.
All of us having lunch at the Pub. (La famille Rosier)
Natalie, Chrissy and Mom outside of Paddy's.
Everyone outside Paddy's (that's our tour guide, Malik, in the middle).
(Notre guide, Malik, du Senegal)
We really hit it off with Malik, especially Papa because they share the same birth place, Senegal.Maggie became his best friend because she was the only one of the children that spoke French to him. The Chateau and the vineyard.
A closer picture of the Chateau.
A close up picture of the vineyards. (Les vignobles)
Inside the Chateau is a culinary studio. As you can see from the picture, they are having a cooking lesson. (Des classes de cuisine)
One of the dining rooms at the Chateau; Le Clos. (Une autre salle a manger au Chateau)
They also have a Wine Market in the Chateau. (Il y a un macher de vin)
Obviously a wine rack full of wine. (Beaucout de vin)
The Wine Market has wine tasting. (Un gout de vin)
This barrel shows that it can hold 1,840 gallons of wine! (Ce tonneau tien 7,360 litres)
All the smaller wine barrels. (Des petit tonneaux)
The Stainless Steel temperature-controlled tanks that the grapes are fermented in. (Des tanks qui controlle la temperature de la fermentation des grapes)
Some wine barrels near the tanks.
The old way of making wine. (Le vielle facon de fere le vin)
A stained glass window in the Chateau.
Another restaurant in the Chateau; Cafe Elan. (Un autre salle a manger)
The Inn at Chateau Elan. (L'hotel)
A gazebo outside of the spa(located behind the Hotel).
The Fleur de Lis is a restaurant inside the spa... where you can actually eat your meals in your bathrobe! (Le Fleur de Lis est un restaurant que vous mangez avec votre robe de chambre)
One of three hallways down the Conference Center in the hotel.
The atrium of the hotel.
Versailles restaurant in the hotel atrium.
On the property is an Equestrian Show Center.
These are some of the stables. (Des etables)
Dallas Michael exhausted after his long week at camp. (Il est epuiser)
One of the many houses on the property near the golf courses. (Une maison sur la proprietee pres du golf)
Another house on the property.